M1 Practice Test 2

Another set of exam-like questions that will test your basic knowledge of motorcycle riding in Ontario, as well as traffic signs and road rules.

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Answer the following questions



#1. What type of group formation should be used when riding through curves?

#2. When approaching a Yield sign, what does the law require you to do?

#3. You must have your motorcycle's headlight turned on

#4. At night, if you meet another vehicle with blinding bright lights, the safest thing to do is

#5. Under ideal conditions, you should maintain a following distance of at least _______ behind the vehicle ahead of you.

#6. When crossing a very slippery surface, you should

#7. When riding in a group, beginner riders should be positioned

#8. To carry cargo, you should

#9. The edge of the road is dangerous for motorcycles because

#10. A steady yellow traffic light at an intersection indicates that you must

#11. Most of your motorcycle's stopping power is provided by

#12. For increased safety when riding at night, you should

#13. When you are being passed by another vehicle, you should

#14. When can you ride a motorcycle between two lanes of traffic?

#15. On a two-lane road where traffic moves in opposite directions, you may pass on the left only when

#16. If you are riding over an obstacle on the road, what is the best way to absorb shock?

#17. What type of clothing is best for daytime riding?

#18. Before making a left turn from a one-way street, you should position your motorcycle

#19. This hand signal indicates that the driver intends to

#20. This driver's hand signal indicates that this driver intends to

#21. M1 licence holders may NOT drive

#22. You are following a large truck that is signaling a right turn. You should anticipate

#23. When driving in a group, group members should communicate by

#24. While riding a motorcycle, you should position your feet

#25. When riding in a group, motorcyclists should usually ride

#26. In countersteering, to initiate a turn, PUSHING the right handgrip will allow the motorcycle to

#27. When upshifting, you should

#28. When riding, you should

#29. Snow removal vehicles on public roadways are equipped with flashing ______ lights.

#30. Why are gravel roads potentially dangerous to motorcyclists?

#31. When entering or leaving a highway, a group of motorcyclists should drive

#32. The best way to discourage other vehicles from trying to share your lane is to

#33. When carrying cargo, it is important to

#34. Which of the following statements about blind spots is FALSE?

#35. If the traffic signal light facing you is red and you intend to go straight through the intersection, what must you do?

#36. When carrying cargo or a passenger,

#37. Which of the following statements about carrying passengers are true?

#38. When riding with a passenger, how should you adjust your riding?

#39. A driver in front of you is signaling with his or her hand and arm pointing upward. This driver intends to

#40. Which of the following statements about driving in the rain is FALSE?


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